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CORDUS vs Descompression Beds

Decompression beds provide some relaxation effect on deep muscles, but therapies are too much expensive. CORDUS has greater advantages:

  CORDUS is able to work on specific areas (vertebra by vertebra), decompression beds are NOT.

  CORDUS does not only stretch, but also do acupressure and deep massage on intervertebral muscles.

  CORDUS has less contraindications, adult people can use it at home and without help.

  CORDUS is cheap, and therapies using decompression beds are too much expensive.

  CORDUS provides the magnotherapy benefits, which allows to boost the results.

  CORDUS is much easier to use, elderly people can use it.

  CORDUS helps to treat complex diseases, such as herniated discs, sciatic pains, 1° or 2° grade scoliosis, among others.

  CORDUS is able to use on areas such as sacrum, coccyx and knees.

  CORDUS is portable, it weighs less than 200 grams, and can be carried everywhere. But, for a decompression bed therapy you need to go to a stablishment.

  CORDUS has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t see favorable results, you can return the device, and you will get the full refund of your money.