Using Cordus and Sacrus for Degenerative Diseases:


Cordus y Sacrus
Columna vertebral
  • Correction:It is possible in the first stages of diseases such as osteopenia or osteoarthritis.
  • Stop the advance: Degenerative diseases tend to worsen over time, the process of many of them cannot be reversed but controlled. The use of CORDUS and SACRUS can help the holdback of these diseases to other areas of your spine, which is very valuable for your health.
  • Relief: The degree of relief depends on the stage and severity of the disease. In the acute phase, patients require the use of anti-inflammatory measures.
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General indications:

  • (1): Additionally, perform the therapeutic exercises indicated for its diagnosis.
  • (2): In the most acute phase, it is recommended to suspend the use of the devices and carry out anti-inflammatory measures.
  • (3): The use of SACRUS is important to increase efficacy.
  • (4): For certain diagnoses, the therapy specifies not to place CORDUS in the affected area, but to apply it to nearby areas and others. By improving these areas it is possible to give benefits to the damaged area because the spine is an interconnected system.
  • (5): When feeling relief, do not increase physical loads for at least 2 months.

ARTHRITIS / ARTHROSIS: Always adjust the pressure to be moderate*. During and after the use of CORDUS, it is normal to feel the therapeutic effect (pressure or slight discomfort) of the device on the muscles of the affected area. If you feel discomfort in the vertebra, not in the muscle, avoid applying the device in this area for a month and use it where the pressure is bearable. It is recommended to apply anti-inflammatory measures. See (4) (2) (3) and (5).

COXARTHROSIS: CORDUS helps as long as there is no osteoporosis. Do not use CORDUS on the affected area, place it 3 cm above or below it and the others. See (4) (2) (3) and (5).

ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: CORDUS can give relief, it can be applied up to twice a day, do not apply the device where the vertebrae have already joined. See (1) (2) (3) and (5).



OSTEOPHYTES: If you feel pain when applying CORDUS, avoid that area and work around it.

OSTEOPENIA (PRE-OSTEOPOROSIS): CORDUS can be used in a moderate way of use*. See (4) (2) (3) and (5).

OSTEOPOROSIS: Place CORDUS 3 cm above or below the area and on the others. Do not use CORDUS on the affected area. See (4) (2) (3) and (5).

Cordus Guarantee CORDUS & SACRUS

The Cordus team wishes you a speedy improvement.

  • Make your return within the next 30 days after receiving your product.
  • Notify us when the shipment of the device is on the way and provide us with the guide number.
  • Once the device is received, we will review it and if everything is fine, we will refund the money in three business days.
  • The shipping cost when returning the product depends on the buyer.
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