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Does walking help improve the quality of life of your spine?

Does walking help improve the quality of life of your spine?

Does walking help improve the quality of life of your spine?

There are several positive effects on the spine when walking. Doing exercise is a good option for treating and preventing back pain.

Positive effects on the spine when walking

Positive effects on the spine when walking

Walking helps the spine in several ways, for example:

  1. Losing weight helps to reduce the pressure of your body weight on your back.
  2. Walking can help strengthen your back muscles indirectly and does not have a great impact on your joints.
  3. Walking releases endorphins, which can help you cope with pain in a positive way.
  4. Helps to release tension in muscles, reducing pain that is already present.
  5. Although it may not seem like it, it also helps strengthen the back due to the movement that is generated in the arms.

IMPORTANT: if you already have a back problem (such as chronic pain or a herniated disc) you should carry out any physical activity with caution. Consult with a health professional about the recommended physical activities for your situation.

Rehabilitation and weight control

Rehabilitation and weight control

Physical rehabilitation and weight control are essential elements of any treatment for back pain. Also, they are great activities to prevent back pain and general weakening of the body.

Complement it with CORDUS and SACRUS

Complement it with CORDUS and SACRUS

When you do physical activity, your muscles get stronger. Complementing this activity with CORDUS and SACRUS maximizes results because they help you relax muscles, relieve and correct deep muscle contractures, and improve posture in the event of injury.