The operative principle of CORDUS device and the results of its application

Cordus and Sacrus

The results and conclusions of the spine self-gravitational correction device were obtained in studies from 2001 to 2012. In over 350 subjects.

1. Researchers link (or relate) physiological mechanisms to therapeutic action of spinal relief techniques based on the use of support tools (impact on paravertebral areas) with irritation of kinesthetic receptors, deep muscle groups, fascia, joints and ligaments from spine, stretching of compressed muscles and the opening of zygapophyseal joints that restore mobility (AV Shvetsov and Shorin AG, 2000) and contribute to recover the tone of paraverterbal musculature.

2. CORDUS device acts on segments of the spine and its joints by relieving the extensor muscles from the back of the body and eliminating blockages in the spinal segments.

3. CORDUS (Corden) acts deeply in paravertebral areas superposed to the meridian channels; such paravertebral areas are the reflex areas that regulate the organs of the body. The therapeutic effect is the improvement of the hemodyamic functions, as well as the nutrition of the paravertebral areas.

Cordus works

4. Relief of myofascial pain syndrome significantly improves the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system relative to cardiac and hemodynamic functions; there is also a decrease in abnormal responses during the orthostatic test (A. V. Shevtsov, PhD in Biology, 2012).

5. A standard cycle of paravertebral muscles therapy with CORDUS reduces hypertension, tension time index and calculated Heather index values.

6. The method is designed to relieve the paravertebral muscles: it eliminates the vertebrogenic pain syndrome and contributes to prevent movement disorders and vegetative symptoms that could appear when performing exercises to build the shoulder girdle.

Conference of M.D. Yury Koryukalov, co-inventor of the CORDUS 2016 method

Conference with simultaneous translation into English.
Acupunture and Natural Medicine

Our theory is that back pain that patients presented was originated by pain impulses from both injured spinal tissues and structures close to the spine: joints, body organs, skin, ligaments and paravertebral and extravertebral muscles. Other possible sources of pain in the segment of vertebral movement are: ligaments, muscles, periosteum on the processes, herniated discs and intervertebral discs. All nociceptive impulses were sent to the central nervous system, CNS, regardless of their source. At the same time, pain impulses activated alpha and beta motor neurons in the front part of the spinal cord poles. Activation of the motor neurons mentioned caused hypertonia of the innervated muscles from current sector of the spine.

Some researchers emphasize that stimulation of muscle nociceptors occurs when muscle spasm occurs. Muscles with spasms develop local hyperemia, which increases the activation of muscle fiber nociceptors. A muscle with constant spasms becomes an additional source of nociceptive impulses that are sent to the cells of the rear poles from the same segment of the spinal cord. Therefore, a raise in painful impulses increases the activity from the front part of motor neurons, which increase muscle spasm, forming a vicious circle of pain: muscle spasm-more pain-greater muscle spasm.


To eliminate muscle spasm, we resorted (or requested) the use of assistive devices to relieve functional spinal unit(s), FSU(s), (or movement segments). The main goal of the therapy was to relax deep muscles in hypertonic state. Such relaxation was achieved by improving the mobility of the FSU(s). This was one of the priority objectives for sessions with locomotive rehabilitation devices: restoring FSU(s) mobility.

Spine relief and treatment were obtained when the conical lumps of the unit pressed a group of muscles from a FSU, located between the cross-sectional processes of the vertebrae, below the patient’s body weight, relaxing those muscles until local traction between the vertebrae is achieved. This in turn, provoked ligaments extension in the FSU area. At the same time, the low-frequency currents produced by the device helped to initiate relaxation.

When patient’s body weight pressed the unit, patient was able to feel pain, concentrate on it and feel their release by acupressure. An effective relaxation technique was applied to eliminate pain from the body and mind to restore the mobility of the FSU(s) and reduce anxiety and discomfort.

The results of the research (see Table 2) suggest that the FSU(s) assisted device therapy not only eliminated back pain, but also restored the mobility of major and most vulnerable joints, including shoulder joints and hip joints.

Research indicates that CORDEN unit effectively corrects paravertebral musculature in most patients, as long as the unit is applied by properly trained staff and there are no counter-indications from the patients.

Nuestra teoría es que los dolores de espalda, que los pacientes presentaban, se originaron por impulsos de dolor procedentes tanto de tejidos de la espina dorsal lesionados, como de estructuras cercanas a la columna vertebral como articulaciones, órganos del cuerpo, piel, ligamentos y músculos paravertebrales e intervertebrales. Otras posibles fuentes de dolor en el segmento de movimiento vertebral son: ligamentos, músculos, periostio sobre los procesos, hernias discales y discos intervertebrales. Todos los impulsos nociceptivos fueron enviados al sistema nervioso central, SNC, independientemente de su fuente. Al mismo tiempo, los impulsos de dolor activaron neuronas motoras alfa y beta en las astas anteriores de la médula espinal. La activación de las neuronas motoras mencionadas causó hipertonía de los músculos inervados del sector de la columna vertebral en cuestión.

Algunos investigadores hacen énfasis en que la estimulación de los nociceptores musculares se produce cuando el espasmo muscular ocurre. Los músculos espasmados desarrollan hiperemia local, lo que incrementa la activación de nociceptores de la fibra muscular. Un músculo constantemente espasmado se convierte en fuente adicional de impulsos nociceptivos que se envían a las células de las astas posteriores del mismo segmento de la médula espinal. Por tanto, un flujo de impulsos dolorosos aumentado, incrementa la actividad de las neuronas motoras anteriores, las cuales a su vez, aumentan el espasmo muscular, formando un círculo vicioso de dolor: -espasmo muscular-más dolor-mayor espasmo muscular.


CORDUS device acts both on the spine and its joints to relieve the extensor muscles from the back and eliminate blockages in the FSU(s), this reduces or even eliminates pain.

  • CORDUS device acts deeply in paravertebral areas overlapped meridian channels and reflex areas where the body organs are regulated. The mechanical action of CORDUS in FSU(s), combined with relaxing actions of the currents in the body, improves health, eliminates pain and reduces nervous tension.
  • The method designed to relieve the paravertebral muscles eliminates the vertebrogenic and myofascial pain syndromes and contributes to prevent movement disorders and vegetative symptoms that could appear in physical exercises to build the girdle.
Cordus and Cordus Deluxe


Solve back problems with CORDUS.

CORDUS is a device designed for the spine's correction, solving back pain, improving posture and preventing osteochondrosis and a large number of diseases that affect back.

These benefits have been confirmed by users who have seen significant changes after a few sessions with CORDUS. Patients with problems such as herniated discs, lumps, back pain, migraines, insomnia, among other conditions, have seen improvement after using the device. CORDUS has helped 99.5% of the patients who have used it.

Using CORDUS has many other benefits:

  • 1) Eliminate back and neck pain: CORDUS relaxes the deep muscles of the spine, safely, unlike other methods (massages, heat, etc ...) that only relax the superficial muscles. This causes the tension and pain to go away.
  • 2) Eliminate migraines and headaches: After using CORDUS, the spine adopts a natural posture, which improves blood circulation to the brain, thus eliminating migraine problems and headaches. CORDUS has provided relief for patients up to 10 years old suffering from migraines and headaches.
  • 3) Eliminate insomnia: When performing the CORDUS exercises, in addition to relaxing the muscles, the brain and the body, learn to relax thanks to the inhalation and exhalation of the routine, it normalizes sleep since you sleep relaxed and without pain. Insomnio
  • 4) Eliminates sciatica problems: It helps when functional blockages develop in the segments of the spine (spasms of the intervertebral muscles): dyscalgia, low back pain, sciatica, thoracic pain, neck pain.
  • 5) Improves posture: Using CORDUS causes the shoulders to assume a natural position, relaxing the muscles of the back and deltoids, which relieves the stiffness in the neck and man and causes the natural posture of the body to return.
  • 6) Increases energy: After the release of deep muscles from spasm, CORDUS strengthens the flow of energy through the main channel of the body: the spine. As a consequence, energy and vitality increases.
  • 7) Eliminates vision and hearing problems: Under the same principle, circulation to the head improves, which causes all organs such as sight and hearing to receive more blood flow and restore their normal functioning.
  • 8) Helps in heart problems: After improving blood circulation, improves the situation of patients with angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia. Heart
  • 9) It is a safe method: CORDUS uses the self-gravitation method that acts with the same weight of the body, it is safe and physiologically natural for the spine. This method is used in ancient oriental medicine.
  • 10) Helps in sports injuries: Relaxes stressed muscles caused by intense training in any type of sport.
  • 11) Disappears herniated discs: CORDUS allows to act deep and in each one of the vertebrae, relaxes them and reduces the compression of the invertebral disc, which eliminates pinching of the spinal nerves.
  • 12) It restores the mobility of the joints and the spine: It allows the joints that were stressed to return to their normal state, returns the movement and eliminates pain.
  • 13) Prevents Osteochondrosis: Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the blood does not reach the bones correctly, delaying their development, this causes slow growth in children and adolescents. Using CORDUS prevents or corrects this situation.
  • 14) Helps in dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system: caused by biomechanical failures in the locomotor segments of the spine.
  • 15) Improves the body in general: The elimination of pinches in the nerves of the spine improves the stimulation of the internal organs, such as: kidneys, liver, stomach, lungs, pancreas, genitourinary system. Médico
  • 16) It has the magnetotherapy method: CORDUS also relies on magnetotherapy to enhance its results, since it has neodymium magnets inside, which help and improve therapy.
  • 17) The back muscles become more elastic: The deep muscles go through an intense stretch that involves the entire muscular structure including muscle groups such as: trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, serratus major and infraspinatus.
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  • Make your return within the next 30 days after receiving your product.
  • Notify us when the shipment of the device is on the way and provide us with the guide number.
  • Once the device is received, we will review it and if everything is fine, we will refund the money in three business days.
  • The shipping cost when returning the product depends on the buyer.
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