If it has not been more than 30 days after receiving the product, we will refund your money in full. Here you will find all the information to make this process successfully. TO MAKE the return VALID, share the return guide number with us.
Less than 1% of the people who buy our devices return it, and when we make a research about why, we find the following reasons:
1.- 93% of those who have requested a refund have used the device incorrectly, which causes inconvenience. This is because users did not read the manual or due to lack of a diagnosis supported by MRI or CT.
In our office we have attended people up to 90 years old who, with the correct application, do not experience any discomfort.
The pain shows that the device is applied with excess pressure or in the contraindicated area. Check the information here:
2.- 5% of those who have requested the refund do not see improvement quickly and they believe the device does not work. Remember that for some diagnoses it is necessary to make more than 10 sessions and / or complement their therapies with the use of SACRUS.
In our opinion, returning the device is losing an opportunity to live fully without pain. What are you going to do with your condition? How much more will you continue to suffer?
1. Send us the product by the parcel or shipment company of your preference *.
TO MAKE the return VALID, share the tracking number of your return, purchase date and your contact by one of these options: by phone at +1-646-933-1441 or WhatsApp at +1-609-375-0813
The return address is Vital Spark LLC, 101 Ellis Str, Ste 9, FD000802, Staten Island, NY 10307, USA
The buyer can return the product for any reason within a time lapse of 30 days from the moment of receiving it. The cost of shipping and choice of parcel is up to the buyer. The refund is made within 5 business days from the moment the product is received at our facilities.
Important: In case your purchase has been made via PayPal, Ebay or Stripe the refund will be made from these platforms.
You can write us at: contact@cordus.us
Call us at: 1-646-933-1441